NCLG Executive Committee

Please join us in welcoming our two new Chairs, Briana Titus and Will Nifong!

If you would like to volunteer IN ANY WAY, please contact us via the email below. Thank you!


NCLG contact email:


Please note: New committee members are asked to serve for two years in order to allow time to identify their interests and then serve and collaborate on advocacy projects (*the end of this term is given for any new members). Following that, all members are welcome to continue to serve as advocates on an ongoing basis for additional school years. Furthermore, the NCLG remains flexible, fully realizing that any commitment can be affected by unforeseen circumstances.


Current officers

* Committee Chair, Briana Fortenbach-Titus  (*6/23-6/25)

* Advocacy Chair and JNCL-NCLIS Board Member, William Nifong (*4/23-4/25)

* Vice Chair, Katie Robinson

* Executive Secretary, Catherine Hayward

* Treasurer, Dan McGlathery Please contact Dan to make donations.

* Ex officio, ACL Executive Director and ACL President


At-Large Members:

* Talia Chicherio    (*8/22-8/24)

* Brian Compton  (*9/23-9/25)

* Maureen Lamb

* Svetlana Lazarova

* Zee Poerio

* Connie Rodriguez

* Andrea Stehle


Subcommittee Chairs and resource coordinators of the NCLG

* Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Subcommittee, Dan McGlathery, Chair

* Latin: Inspiring Future Teachers, Katie Robinson

* Supporting Young Learners, Talia Chicherio; member: Zee Ann Poerio                                                   

* Technology & Outreach, Maureen Lamb; member Catherine Hayward

* DEI Resources, Katie Robinson, Talia Chicherio

* Greek Resources, Talia Chicherio

* Seal of Biliteracy, Brian Compton


NCLG communications:

* NCLG Secretary, Catherine Hayward

* CPL Liaison, Andrea Stehle

* NCLG website content, please contact Maureen Lamb or Katie Robinson

* NCLG Communications Liaison to ACL Newsletter, Catherine Hayward


Our gratitude to Andrea Stehle for her 4 years of service as Secretary and continuing service as a Member at Large


Our deep appreciation to two members ending their terms to focus on new work:

Erick Bousman for his management of our ACL Newsletter content  

Madeline Thayer for her support as a Member at Large


Our special thanks to Caroline Kelly for her two years of service to NCLG! (2021-23)