This page has information on:

Language grants!

Seal of Biliteracy legislation!

Language funding and legislative support!

Advocacy events!




HERE is a PDF of all the legislative bills for grants and funding we are advocating at LAD24 for 2024.

These are important to Latin, Greek and to ALL second language instruction.

NCLG was proud to help sponsor 243 virtual LAD24 Congressional meetings

 hosted by JNCL-NCLIS each year, Feb 27-28.

Please support us, and make a gift "designated to the NCLG" here 

or contact our Treasurer. Help NCLG be more involved.

NCLG alone speaks to dozens of Congressional members!


Some images showing (L-R) Will, Briana, Dan and Katie from NCLG


 One of the JNCL Keynote Speakers was Latinist Doug Bunch,

Founder of Ascanius Youth Institute, who went on to use his legal degree in national and international leadership roles.

He has shared his Keynote Address HERE!


Click here view to JNCL THE CATALYST, a monthly legislative update



NCLG Advocacy Chair Attends In-Person Event in DC

sponsored by JNCL-NCLIS


NCLG Advocacy Chair Wiliiam Nifong

represented the interests of Latin and Greek programs and all second language education

to Congressional members on October 16 and in February with our delegation.

Your donations allow us to directly and virtually represent you in Washington, DC!




 Advocacy Chair Will Nifong Attends In-Person Advocacy Event on October 16 Sponsored by JNCL-NCLIS

“Mr. Magister Goes to Washington”

After a meeting with the JNCL-NCLIS Board on Sunday, October 15, for additional background on the pending legislation (World LEAP Act) and strategy discussions for meetings with Congressional staffers, Will Nifong (Illinois) joined scores of language advocates at the Rayburn House Office Building on Monday, October 16. Also in attendance were Sherwin Little (Ohio), ACL Executive Director; and William Lee (Texas), NLE Writing & Steering Committee Member & ACTFL Teacher of the Year for 2023. 

Attendees heard from Mark Dennin, Legislative Director for Congressman Jimmy Panetta (D-CA), who introduced the World LEAP Act in the House of Representatives, and Montserrat Garibay, Assistant Deputy Secretary & Director for the Office of English Language Acquisition at the Department of Education.  Whilst acknowledging the elephant in the room – i.e., the inability to forward any legislation at present because of the majority’s leadership crisis in the House – everyone focused on the positive and stressed that someday soon, when Congress was functioning again, we would need a Republican co-sponsor in the House and both Democratic and Republican co-sponsors in the Senate, as well as strong support from all legislators. Thus, delegates had been assigned meetings with one or more legislators who represented them in Congress.

Will first met with Alexandra Patzakis, Legislative Aide to Rep. Jan Shakowsky (D-IL). As it happens, Alexandra, in addition to knowing modern Greek, studied Latin in high school in California, and she and Will exchanged a few pleasantries Latine! She had prepared well for the meeting and seemed quite optimistic that Rep. Shakowsky would support World LEAP, perhaps even as a co-sponsor. Will and fellow delegates Todd Bowen of the Illinois Council for Teachers of Foreign Language and Kanjana Thepboriruk of Northern Illinois University (also representing the Coalition of Community-Based Heritage Language Schools) were buoyed by their reception in Rep. Shakowsky’s office.

Later traipsing across the Hill and past the Capitol to the Hart Senate Office Building, Will and a larger group of delegates, including JNCL-NCLIS Board President Linda Egnatz, met with Senator Durbin’s Legislative Correspondent, Yashi Gunawardena. Based on his strong support of language initiatives in the past, Sen. Durbin had been identified as a strong candidate for introduction of the bill in the Senate. Although Gunawardena cast some doubt on Sen. Durbin’s ability to add another bill to his plate, she seemed sanguine that he would support the legislation and might assist in introducing it if another senator took the lead.

All in all, the Advocacy Action Day in Washington, D.C., offered a marvelous opportunity for Classics folks to commune with modern language colleagues, to brainstorm (and lament) about current trends in education (e.g., the elimination of foreign language departments at West Virginia University and pressures elsewhere), and to strategize about how we all might work together to advance our common interests in and passion for language education. A chance to walk around our stunning capital is never to be missed either!



NCLG supports increased Equity in JNCL-NCLIS' New Seal Legislation BEST Act 

The revised BEST Act is a statement by its sponsors, Congresswoman Julia Brownley and Senator Brian Schatz, that multilingualism is an asset to be recognized for students and should be available equitably to all learners, especially English language learners and heritage learners,” said Amanda Seewald, Executive Director of the Joint National Committee for Languages and the National Council for Languages and International Studies (JNCL-NCLIS). “This bill’s emphasis on implementing Seal of Biliteracy programs broadly in school districts across the nation will help students acquire the skills they need for college, career, and life, and uplift the languages that are central to identity for so many. JNCL-NCLIS has been honored to work on this legislation with such dedicated legislators and look forward to its passage.”

Congresswoman Julia Brownley (D-CA) introduced a revised version of the Biliteracy Education and Seal Teaching (BEST) Act. Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI) introduced companion legislation in the U.S. Senate. The revised language included in this bill would establish, within the U.S. Department of Education, a program to support state and local implementation of Seal of Biliteracy programs. This new BEST Act would also require state grantees to provide subgrants to school districts so that they can launch, expand and scale local Seal of Biliteracy programs. This legislation also includes new language that requires states to ensure: equitable access to Seal programs for students with disabilities; the inclusion of American Sign Language as well as Native American languages in state Seal of Biliteracy programs; and outreach about Seal programs to elementary school and middle grade students, including heritage language learners and English learners.  


2024 World Language Grants OPEN! 

WLARA World Language Advancement and Readiness Act Grant Program

Assists schools and districts enlarge language programs as long as the grant covers strategic languages and the district has DoD connections like JROTC or military student body. These $500.000 - $2M grants are in their fourth year and up to 1/4 of the funds can be applied to non-strategic languages -  like Latin! 

If your school qualifies, apply here, now through March 29!

Here is a letter from DoDEA:

Happy New Year!   

I’m pleased to inform you that the application for the Fiscal Year 2024 DoDEA Grants to Military-Connected Local Educational Agencies for Academic and Support Programs (MCASP) and the World Language Advancement and Readiness Program Grant (WLARP) competition is now open on (

The Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) seeks innovative applications that identify and implement evidence-based practices to meet the academic needs of the highly mobile military-connected students in their community and applications which establish, improve, or expand world language programs targeting elementary and secondary students. In addition, any Local Education Agency (LEA) awarded a grant under this announcement must use the funds to support programs that can be continued beyond the grant period and demonstrate approaches that could be disseminated to and duplicated in other LEAs. Awarded projects must provide a written project narrative and a detail budget table which identifies which program (either MCASP or WLARP) the LEA is applying for funding to implement under this announcement. Additionally, all projects awarded under this funding opportunity must include a professional development component. DoDEA intends to award multiple grants, subject to the availability of funds. Each individual grant award will be a minimum of $500,000.00 and may be up to a maximum of $2,000,000, for a period of up to five (5) years.

The deadline for applications is Friday, March 29, 2024. Information about the technical assistance webinar is included in the announcement – please share this information with your school district partners who may be interested in applying for this opportunity. 

Yours in Partnership,

Kathleen Facon

Chief, Partnership and Resources

Department of Defense Education Activity




World LEAP Act Infographic and Advocacy

NCLG welcomes all to read through this open letter from the Linda Egnatz, the President of JNCL-NCLIS about the World LEAP Act. The World LEAP Act is an important piece of legislation that, if passed, would provide more funding for local schools to build up their world language programs.  


Rep. Jimmy Panetta Introduces World LEAP Act, Establishing Language Education Grants Program

September 21th, 2023 | JNCL Newsroom Release

Please contact your state and district Congressional leaders to support this Act!


We are excited to announce the introduction of the World Language Education Assistance Program (World LEAP) Act. Over the past year, the JNCL-NCLIS team has been working closely with Congressman Jimmy Panetta (D-CA) to design this legislation with the support of our advocates and member organizations. We are thrilled to see it move forward and are eager to support next steps.

The World LEAP Act will establish the first K-12 world language and dual language education grants program at the U.S. Department of Education in over 14 years. This important legislation prioritizes funding for the development of programs offered across all socioeconomic and demographic groups, builds opportunity for heritage and English language learners, requires a reservation of funds for professional development, and promotes career pathways that will generate economic success for our nation.  

Read more




We only make a difference when we are heard and seen!


NCLG continues to support and advocate for ALL U.S. Latin and Greek programs and the inclusion of Latin and Greek as "world languages" in legislation. Together with other language organizations and affiliated professionals, we advocate for ALL second language education programming and funding. We were proud to be part of advocacy that secured increased FY23 federal funding for crucial language education programs.

See FY23 budget appropriations chart and press releases here.

Here is a large folder with all the information on key issues (listed below) to present to your House and Senate representives this Spring


As a Legacy Board Member of

the Joint National Committee on Languages,

 NCLG continues to attend informational meetings, contribute to leadership and planning, and advocate personally with Congress for:


**A new World LEAP program of WL grants (expansion, PD)

**WLARA world language program expansion grants

(schools linked to DoD, NDAA support)

**Passage of BEST Act; federal support of Seal of Biliteracy

**Funding the Native American Languages Resource Center

**Paul Simon Study Abroad grants

**Key title program funding, Title I, II, III, ..VI

**Recruiting Congress members to join

the new America's Languages Caucus

**Support for all dual language acquisition programs


To support us, use a gift designation "to the NCLG" here.

See our LAD23 Sponsor's Blog

featuring an invitation to celebrate

Black Classicists in classroom lessons.



April 7 Application Deadline

WLARA 2023 World Language Program Grants


The National Committee for Latin and Greek has advocated for Greek and Latin programs for over 40 years and we are proud to be part of the advocacy that led to a new federal grant program. This one is for school districts that have a JROTC program or a connection to military bases or families. (We are currently working on a equivalent grant program for any public system, called World LEAP!)

In its third year, the WLARA, World Language Advancement and Readiness Grants Program, is now accepting applications for FY23! The deadline to apply is April 7, 2023. This program supports the growth of learning opportunities that empower more students to become multilingual, globally prepared citizens. Your dedication and advocacy efforts over the past several years helped make this program a reality and continue its prioritization for funding!


Here is a pre-recorded technical assistance webinar provided by the Department of Defense Education Activity. The DoDEA seeks innovative proposals for the establishment, improvement, or expansion of world language programs targeting elementary and secondary students in order to enable successful students, as they advance from elementary school through secondary school, to achieve an advanced level of proficiency in those languages. Individual grant award will be a minimum of $500,000.00 and with a maximum of $2,000,000, for a period of up to five (5) years. Strategic languages have priority but programs can include any world language!





Read The Catalyst "2022 Legislative Recap"




JNCL-NCLIS invites all language advocates to register and attend Language Advocacy Days each year. This year's theme was: Building Opportunity through Multilingualism.   Each year, JNCL-NCLIS delegates and dedicated language advocates across the county unite to meet with Members of Congress and promote the importance of language education and international studies.   As a Language Advocacy Days 2023 attendee you will explore issues and lobby with congressional offices for support of key legislation and funding.
The past three years of JNCL-NCLIS virtual advocacy events have allowed more advocates than ever, across all 50 states, to unite and speak up for language education policy.
This year we had 230 delegates who held over 260 meetings, covering all 50 states and the District of Columbia!
NCLG joins 97 others
to sign and submit a
letter urging support for BEST Act
to Senate and House Chairmen of US Armed Services Committees.
This will secure grant funding
to enhance and expand world language education programs,
within the US NDDA 2023 budget.
This will be the third year of competitive grants.
NCLG is an undersigned supporter
of the recently renamed
Senator Paul Simon Study Abroad Program Act
which offers grants for international study.
Read more about this in a detailed 






NCLG again hosted two DEI-focused panels

in our "Exploring Equity" series.

ACL Institute in Charleston


Please check it out on our DEI Resources pages!

 Exploring Equity: Facing the Erasure of Black Classicists in America;

Highlighting Their Role in Educational Equity (Live and Zoom)

Elizabeth A. Heintzelman,  Dr. Leah Rochell Johnson

Dr. Michele Valerie Ronnick, and NCLG Host  Katie Robinson,


Exploring Equity: Re-envisioning Our Place in the University (Live & Virtual)

Dr. Pramit Chaudhuri, Dr. Emily Greenwood

Dr. Anika Prather, and NCLG Host Dr. Daniel B. McGlathery






February 2-4

But the work continues all year!

Please tell your legislators how important

language skills are to a quality education

and a global society!

Advocate for bills offering equity and funding!

Advocate for value of Latin and Greek


NCLG represented YOU!

Please support us --

or join us to continue the work!

Maintaining our voice on the Board

as a Legacy Seat and Significant Contributor

requires your continued support.

To donate, please contact our Treasurer.


Here is a folder of information on important legislation

that we need you all to advocate for right now!



JNCL-NCLIS welcomed 298  language advocates in

 Virtual Language Advocacy Days 2022: Language at the Intersection

 Attendees participated in a Padlet Advocacy Board

sponsored by NCLG!

There was recognition for the best 5 stories

of personal advocacy!


Did you know?

National Committee for Latin and Greek is a Board Member

and a Significant Contributor to

Joint National Committee on Languages

National Council on Language and International Studies


Please Note:

The NCLG looks forward to advocating with and for you in February and all year.

Please support us or better yet - join us! 

ANYONE can join in this important work.

It is interesting and rewarding to meet congressional members and represent our interests. 

 At the and their Legislative Action Center page - they make it EASY for you to also!

For those who cannot attend....NCLG is there.

NCLG advocates for many Classical Associations!

NCLG works to represent ALL Latin and Greek programming.

We represent and support the value of language skills and their importance within the academic curriculum.

We help advocate for many equity issues through expanded second language legislation and funding,

grants, Title funds, NEH, language recognition, inclusive outreach, and more!


To support us, designate a gift "to the NCLG" here.


 Message from JNCL

"Each year, JNCL-NCLIS delegates and dedicated language advocates across the county unite to meet with Members of Congress and promote the importance of language education and international studies. In 2021 we debuted the virtual version of our Language Advocacy Days with resounding, record-breaking success and went virtual for 2022. Stories of multilingualism and the need for federal language education policy were heard by all 100 U.S. Senators and 200 Representatives. While we look forward to the day when we can gather in-person on Capitol Hill, we are excited to continue this momentum through our virtual format by featuring new vendors and programming and welcoming back advocates from all 50 states with this accessible and impactful format. You can help strengthen our voice and broaden our reach by sharing this event on social media and inviting advocates from your networks!"







NCLG hosted the very first JNCL-NCLIS 




Click image to download

a flier of details!

Contact NCLG Chair Dr. Zarrow for news

on follow-up details and recorded segments.














Plan now for the next Institute in June '22

with 5 days of sessions and presentations!







-- An Amazing Experience for our NCLG Delegation!--

Seven members of NCLG traveled virtually to Washington to represent


as they presented Congressional members and staffers

with critical language information on current legislations

and funding appropriations bills affecting all language students and professionals! 


Please Become an Advocate!

Check out the FOLDER HERE of detailed, factual resource documents that you

can download and use to quickly learn about these issues and advocate now

with local, state and national government. Thanks to 270 attendees,

who represented ALL 50 STATES and D.C.,

the office of every Senator and each of their individual House Representatives

were contacted and language issues were discussed.



We only make a difference when we are heard and seen!



JNCL-NCLIS, The Joint National Committee for Languages/The National Council for Languages and International Studies, is our national lobbying organization for second language study and language services in the United States. Connect at  You can also connect with them on Facebook and Twitter.


The common purpose of the Joint National Committee for Languages and the National Council for Languages and International Studies (JNCL-NCLIS) is the promotion and implementation of public policy in support of all world languages and of international studies and right of equitable accessibility to quality second language instruction for ALL students in the nation; the improvement and enhancement of international studies and the studying, learning, teaching of languages, linguistics, cultures, and their practical application; and the advancement of that purpose, by joint action among the members and through appropriate relationships with other individuals and organizations in the public and private sectors of the nation. 


The National Committee for Latin and Greek has been providing a voice for Latin and Greek Studies within the NJCL and joins them annually in their advocacy to officials in Washington DC and in various state governments. This is vital work and NCLG represents all local, regional and national associations in its advocacy activities.


1/7/2021 Announcement

We welcome Edward ‘Ted’ Zarrow, as our incoming NCLG Advocacy Chair and our representative to the Board of Directors of JNCL-NCLIS ! Ted is one of eleven colleagues who are members of the National Committee for Latin and Greek, advocating across the nation and liaising with numerous organizations and institutions.


Please visit to see bios and roles of all JNCL Board Members.  The NCLG is proud to be a Significant Contributor to the advocacy work of JNCL-NCLIS. Donations alone allow NCLG to maintain this level of involvement and membership, as we represent state, regional and national associations involved with Greek and Latin language and cultural studies education. Donations can be made through our Treasurer or by following instructions on our homepage at




World Language Advocacy 

PLEASE CONSIDER JOINING IN LANGUAGE ADVOCACY! Contact us if you wish to become more involved in your area. We also invite you to consider joining national advocacy efforts by contacting your state and national representatives. In addition, if you wish to join our efforts, contact us. We want our NCLG committee members to reflect all levels of education and we want to promote the rights of all students to language access.

Know the current issues! Here are some links for making connections that can add timeliness and effectiveness to your advocacy. Stay in the know and learn how to make your voice and opinions heard locally, regionally and nationally.


JNCL_NCLIS   Go to for ALL the news about national legislative issues, bills and funding that touch in any way upon language education and language services.


JNCL-NCLIS   Receive weekly email Action Alerts and NewsBriefs. Click Login/sign up.


NEW!! JNCL LEGISLATIVE ACTION CENTER  Find out how to connect directly with your state and local representatives in Washington! No more guessing!


In-Person Advocacy   Tips on planning an effective meeting with your legislators


Advocacy contacts   Follow your government and what they are voting on and considering. YOUR VOICE CAN MATTER!  Please influence your officials about the benefits of laws and bills that support language education and equity of access to quality education.

Here’s how to get in touch with your elected officials: national, state, local, city.


ACTFL 'You can become a world language advocate!' Check out suggested paths of action HERE.


Consider these 10 goals for state-level advocacy  and check to see if local associations are aware of what they can be doing on the state level to support world language education.


ACTFL Advocacy Alerts  Weekly SmartBriefs are very informative and include articles about current programs, success stories, news, and action items that reflect language teaching and learning  today.

Your State and Regional Language Associations  Check websites for groups you know, like,;, et al.) See if they have an advocacy page, news page, or advocacy information contacts about issues like inclusion and diversity and benefits of second language study. Stay in the know about current laws and funding bills in your own state.  These bills can affect language education greatly and need to be monitored carefully. Watch things like maintaining graduation requirements that include world language credits, approving the graduation Seal of Biliteracy, preserving equity in funding, supporting teacher training, etc.


For other good information on efforts to promote Humanities education in general, go to the National Humanities Alliance, another non-profit organization.