NCLG DEI Chair Dr. Daniel B. McGlathery
announces our
2024 DEI Outreach Grant recipient
Dr. Anika T. Prather
‘Redefining Classics:
Celebrating Diversity in the Classical Tradition.’
Dr. Anika T. Prather, the founder and director of The Living Water School, who has been a faculty member of Howard University and Johns Hopkins University, has organized a new conference for all those inspired and influenced by Classical Studies. Her conference is entitled ‘Redefining Classics: Celebrating Diversity in the Classical Tradition.’ The NCLG grant funds will be used to bring a special exhibit to the conference, “14 Black Classicists; A Photographic Installation,” which was created by Dr. Michele Valerie Ronnick and has been shown widely in the U.S. and U.K. The grant also will cover printed exhibit brochures and promotional posters.
This inaugural conference will be an in-person event, hosted by Catholic University in Washington, D.C. on June 15, 2024. You can register HERE, and Read more about speakers and events on their website. It is a free gathering with a dozen speakers and an evening of music and jazz performance. Dr. Prather invites scholars, teachers, educational leaders, parents, and other community members to come celebrate how the classical tradition has inspired diverse populations. She hopes to reach a broad audience of those who feel rooted in ancient Greece, Rome, and all of those world cultures that have intersected with them. It is her goal to embrace ways to make the Classics accessible and to demonstrate that the classical tradition is for everyone.
L.I.F.T - Latin: Inspiring Future Teachers Grant
Meet Our Latest L.I.F.T. Awardee,
Latin Teacher, Joshua
Carpe diem, pro humanitate!
Check out our ACL Newsletter article here.
AND check out his slideshow of their CLASSICS DAY event here.
Joshua Conger-Kallas describes his emerging program situated in Asheville, North Carolina, “We are building a growing Latin and JCL program at A.C. Reynolds High School to offer full classes of Levels I-III, Mythology Honors and potentially IV H and AP in the future. Our principal, Mr. Ben Alexander, a former NC Latin Teacher Of the Year, is supportive of World Languages and wants our programs to succeed and carry on many years, inspiring students to take continuing higher education Latin & Greek courses or pursue licensure and skills in Classics and Humanities. As a first year, full-time Latin teacher, I benefited significantly from attending the 2023 Institute sessions and workshops. I enjoyed and gained a lot of insights from the American Classical League speakers which we use for literary, diverse perspectives & hands-on projects, sources, and activities; furthermore I look forward to returning to Institute again this year as well as to other NCLG, NCCA, university department, and professional educator conferences.”
“Last year,” he continues, “We started partnering with local programs so our students could begin attending Latin events and conventions. This Spring will be students’ first experience with Junior Classical League as a larger group, joining in more of the Certamen, multimedia arts, skits, academic tests, spirit, Olympika, costumes, performances and collaborative celebrations and meeting peers from across the state. We also plan to host a 2024 Classics Day with speakers and activities. We are excited to offer these opportunities, especially as I am myself a former JCL Latin student who was inspired by Magistra Sheila Vanderhoff, Magister Chris Semper, educators, classmates & professors, having received the NJCL Rhea Miller scholarship award to pursue teaching. For me, the memories of traveling to conventions and participating in a variety of activities at universities while learning with friends were the best parts of high school, introducing me to interdisciplinary interests and a versatile service career of mentoring students. We hope to impart similar travel, club involvements, leadership, and scholarship opportunities for our kids alongside the tenets of JCL’s Knowledge, Truth and Fellowship! This grant will provide enrichment, books and needed resources for our students to craft and build their creative competencies. Through these experiences we want to encourage students to be future Greco-Roman scholars, World Language teachers, or Ancient Civilization specialists."
Supporting Young Learners Grant
Tyler Tolman
Franklin, Tennessee
Tyler Tolman is a 2023 recipient of the NCLG Supporting Young Learners grant! He currently teaches middle school French and Spanish and is also skilled in Italian and Thai. Due to student enrollment patterns and staffing needs, his school has asked him to pursue an intensive study of Latin throughout the summer to achieve an acceptable proficiency to facilitate an Exploratory Latin course next fall. As a language educator, he focuses on creating content-based lessons and an immersive learning environment. To teach this new course successfully, he also will be studying Roman and Greek history, culture, and mythology to fuel his curriculum design. He’s excited about building his Latin proficiency and hopes to stimulate student interest in Latin and grow a strong future program. Tyler also looks forward to connecting with a wide network of classical language educators within the NCLG and the ACL.
We look forward to meeting Tyler! Let’s reach out to support a new colleague!
DEI Outreach Grant
Amy White
Ellington, Connecticut
Amy White is a 2023 recipient of NCLG's new DEI Outreach Grant! She has been accepted as a participant at The Forte Academy's Women Latinists program in Florence, Italy, this summer. She plans to use the NCLG grant funds to help offset costs to travel and attend. Although she has been teaching Latin for 28 years, her experience reading women Latinists is extremely limited. This program will offer her the opportunity to hone her reading skills while also discovering new female authors. “My students will benefit, because finally female authors will be a part of our curriculum!” Amy is excited to join other participants who, as the course description states, “will study women’s writing in Latin, bringing language to life in the real spaces where women wrote Latin, through hands-on workshops and in situ readings at sites of special importance.” There will also be a wide range of authors from antiquity up to the early modern period which will enable her to offer more extensive texts in her curriculum.
At the NCLG, we support her efforts and wish her every success!
Latin: Inspiring Future Teachers
LIFT Grant Award
Dr. Barbara Weinlich of ASU Tempe
Read more about our L.I.F.T. grant
supporting Fall Forum 2022 at Arizona State University!
shared by the Classics Department
courtesy of Dr. Sarah Bolmarcich.
On Friday, November 18, about 320 high school students and their teachers (from 7 different institutions and/or groups) from the larger region of Phoenix attended Fall Forum, a half-day event hosted by the Classics program at ASU in conjunction with the AZJCL and the ASU Classics Club Solis Diaboli. This Fall Forum was generously sponsored by grants from both the Excellence Through Classics and the National Committee for Latin and Greek. The program, curated by Dr. Almira Poudrier (ASU, Classics, School of International Languages and Cultures) and Sarah Palumbo (AZJCL chair and Latin instructor at Rio Salado), focused on introducing career paths for undergraduate majors in Classics – first and foremost that of the Latin teacher – and included various Classics-related contests, lectures on topics in Classics, a tour of ASU’s Hayden Library and the Wurzburger Reading Room, opportunities to sit in on classes taught by ASU-faculty, and a service project.
Balancing the lectures and teaching presentations by ASU faculty, the active participation of two three high school teachers in this Year’s Fall Forum offered a first-hand experience of what their profession may look like in and beyond the classroom: Magister Yaggy’s presentation entitled “So you want to be a Latin teacher!” was complemented by Magistra Reveceur’s workshop on Greek Theater Masks as well as by Magistra Palumbo’s involvement in and tireless work during the organized event as chair of AZJCL.
An all-together new experience for the 320 participants were the prizes that the ASU Classics program was able to hand out thanks to the generous L.I.F.T. grant from the NCLG: Copies of the Oxford University Press Short Introduction-series for the winners of the certamina, ‘I Love Latin’- buttons for the winners of the scavenger hunt, a stuffed Pegasus and Doric squeeze columns (Kudos for the ETC-store!) for the winners of the impromptu-art contest. Evidently, these prizes will not end up in a box at home; rather they will be lasting memories of the visit of Fall Forum 2022 and hopefully also inspirations for taking Latin (and, of course, Greek and Classical civ-courses) as a future undergraduate.
Report submitted by Dr. Barbara Weinlich, ASU Tempe Classics Department, 12/22
Supporting Young Learners Grant Awards
Sam Salcedo’s Latinx Outreach in NYC
Sam Salcedo with the support of her high school Latin teacher, Lyla Cerulli, at Dominican Academy in New York City, has launched a new outreach program!Her project has also been inspired by Lupercal, for whom she is high school intern. Sam writes, “Many students would benefit from my activity book that would be enhanced with the help of the ACL books I plan to buy [with the SYL grant funds]. Inspired by the lack of Latinx Latinists in the United States, I hope to foster interest in Classics and Latin from an early age, and my main goal is to share my unique experience and knowledge as a Latina Latinist. My activity book uses themes and derivatives pertinent to Spanish and Latin and is available in the National Humanities Center ‘Humanities in Class’ Digital Library! My hope is that my book will help Latinx children gain a greater understanding of their vernacular language and other languages derived from Latin. My main audience will be children of Latin American immigrants who, like me, grew up speaking Spanish at home and English at school. My idea to get the word out about my project is to make and send “PR Boxes of materials and use social media.” Let’s stay tuned for future news on Sam's project!
A New Middle School Latin Program
Robin Schneider is a principal at St. Peter Catholic School, in Monument, CO, and she herself will be teaching a NEW Latin class at her school this year! She contacted our SYL Chair, Zee Poerio, since she had heard that Zee had been using elementary and middle level materials to bring Latin into her Catholic school in Pittsburgh. She was looking for the best suggestion for age-appropriate texts for her students and for additional ideas for creating her new Latin program. She is very excited to begin this journey into Classics and JOINED ACL immediately and is looking forward to networking with other members! Robins remarks, “We are just starting a new Classical Curriculum [at St. Peter] and due to its story-based approach, we really liked the Cambridge Latin series. We are going to teach 6-8th grade starting with Unit 1 this year and then in consecutive years, 6th grade will be Unit 1, 7th grade - Unit 2, and 8th grade Unit 3. Approximately sixty students will benefit from the grant funds we used to purchase the books [in the first phase of the program].”
We wish Robin every success!